Maxent MX-50X3 Plasma Monitor Manufacturer's Comment

Manufacturer's Comment

The Maxent 50" HDTV-Ready Plasma Monitor, MX-50X3, is designed to be value-priced and quality focused with benefits for end users in mind. The MX-50X3 integrates all basic and advanced functions into Maxent's user friendly remote control. However, Maxent limits end user's access for RGB white balance adjustments because calibration should be conducted by ISF certified professionals. Settings for calibration are only available for Maxent personnel. In regards to the HD bandwidth performance, Maxent has experienced that the real-world bandwidth delivered by content providers such as satellite and cable seldom reach 18 MHz. Therefore we are confident that end users will find this unit more than adequate for HD usage in the digital home. Maxent will continue to produce high-quality displays for consumers balancing value, features and performance to deliver extraordinary value for consumers.