Sony Gets the OLED Out

At last year's CES, Sony previewed an 11-inch, 3mm-deep OLED TV prototype that made other flat-panel sets at the show look positively obese. That same model showed up in finished form at the company's press conference Sunday, rising up Vegas showbiz-style from beneath the stage in a maneuver reminiscent of the Stonehenge scene from Spinal Tap. (Click on photo above to see gallery.)

Sony is claiming a 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio for the tiny widescreen HDTV - a breathtaking spec, though one that pales next to Pioneer's stated "unlimited" contrast ratio for its Extreme Contrast Concept model. Whatever Sony's claims for the set, its picture was nothing short of dazzling, showing strong blacks, crisp detail, and natural-looking color. The wafer-thin display is supported by a desktop base and has an HDMI input for plugging in a high-def source. Sony's asking price for the Ultimate Video Fetish Object: $2,500. Available now at Sony Style retail stores.

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