First HD DVD Players Released for Sale

HD DVD may be delayed here in North America, but that hasn't stopped Toshiba from rolling out the first commerically available HD DVD player to the Japanese market today.

Eager buyers were able to take home brand new boxes containing Toshiba's top-of-the-line HD-XA1. Toshiba says initial shipments (until April 27) of the HD-XA1 will include two complimentary HD DVD movie discs, "Resident Evil" and the Japanese film, "Moonlight Jellyfish".

The HD-XA1 ($799) and the entry-level HD-A1 ($499) are scheduled to be available in the U.S. in mid-April to coincide with the official release of Warner Home Video's first HD DVD movie titles - "Million Dollar Baby", "The Last Samurai", "The Phantom of the Opera" - on April 18.

According to Reuters, Toshiba is hoping to sell 600,000 to 700,000 HD DVD players between now and March 2007.