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Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Nov 23, 2020  |  0 comments
You are in a real pickle. You've borrowed money for your project, and persuaded other people to invest their money as well. Everyone expects a return. The product is finished and ready to launch. Then there is a delay. Then another delay. And another. Everyone is getting antsy. What should you do?

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Nov 09, 2020  |  2 comments
My prayers have been answered. Ever since I was a small boy, I have wanted this. Every day at school I filled my notebooks with scribbled diagrams of my dreams. My teachers thought I was crazy. But now, my dreams have come true. I pinch myself in disbelief as I say this – humanity has been gifted with a water-powered loudspeaker.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Oct 26, 2020  |  2 comments
Alert readers will recall that in my previous blog I questioned whether Big Tech/Big Data had monopolistic motives. And lo and behold, last week the DOJ went full antitrust nuclear. First I inspire Superman to build a computer, and now I cause the U.S. Government and eleven state Attorneys General to file suit against Google. Never, ever, underestimate the power of Sound & Vision magazine.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Oct 12, 2020  |  4 comments
“These companies copy other peoples' inventions, flood the market with chintzy products sold at bargain basement prices, and make consumers pay with their privacy.”

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Oct 05, 2020  |  1 comments
A few months ago, we considered the playlist used to tune the bespoke sound system in the Rolls Royce Phantom, a car that sells for a tidy $500,000. We discussed playlists generally and why they are so important. But is the Rolls Royce Phantom playlist a good one, and truly worthy of the marque?
Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Sep 28, 2020  |  2 comments
Alert readers will recall that I recently chatted up the idea of building your own computer. Unlike most of my words, these were not idle. I needed a new computer for work on book projects, and I was also intent on finding a solid-state home for all my Compact Discs. So, following my own advice, I built a PC.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Sep 14, 2020  |  1 comments
When I bought my first house, the first night I slept there, I was convinced the place was possessed. The first night I slept in my current house, a Nor'easter came along and the place howled like a banshee. Which brings us to the Case of the Singing Bridge.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Aug 24, 2020  |  5 comments
Before we begin, to all of our South Korean readers, please do me a favor. Check to see if your TV is on fire. I'll wait here while you're gone. Let me know if I should call the fire department. I am standing by.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Aug 10, 2020  |  5 comments
So a woman walks into a store to buy a smart speaker. She sees that the speakers are selling for 20 bucks. “Wow,” she exclaims, and asks the store owner, “How can you sell these for such a low price?” The store owner responds, “Well, actually, each speaker costs us 30 bucks.” The woman says, “Then how do you make a profit?” The owner responds, “We make up for it on volume.” The woman says, “That's illegal!”
Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jul 20, 2020  |  3 comments
Superman obviously reads S&V. Well, at least he reads this Signals column. Why else would he so specifically follow my suggestion, and then post about it on his Instagram page?

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jul 06, 2020  |  1 comments
Imagine an alien species in which, when someone dies, all of their wisdom and knowledge passes directly to their offspring. That efficient preservation of experience enables the species to progress at a phenomenal rate. Sadly, when humans die, our lifetime of expertise is lost. At best, we can only try to educate our young, each time starting over from scratch.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jun 29, 2020  |  4 comments
Playlists. In the world of audio, especially when it comes to critical listening and system evaluation, there is nothing more important than playlists. Those sonic references play a critical role in designing and evaluating an audio system’s performance. And when that system is in a $500,000 vehicle, it’s even more important to get it right.
Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jun 22, 2020  |  4 comments
I know, I know. Your plate is full. I won't recite the litany of things already on your mind. We've already recited that list plenty of times. Speaking for myself, I religiously devote a solid hour every night, usually between the hours of 3 am and 4 am, to reciting the list. Well, here's another thing for the list: SSL certificates. In particular, they seem to be expiring.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  Jun 08, 2020  |  2 comments
Well, it's official. I am throwing in the towel. My worldview has been shaken, stirred, crumbled, kneaded, blown apart, and reduced to its elemental atoms. Actually, at this point I'm down to the subatomic level. I think I just saw a quark go by.

Ken C. Pohlmann  |  May 25, 2020  |  0 comments
Well the first thing you know ol' Jed's a millionaire. Kinfolk said, "Jed move away from there." Said, "Californy is the place you ought to be." So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Hills, that is. Swimmin' pools. Movie stars. Corona virus.
