Sony KDL-52XBR4 LCD TV Conclusion

Overall, I found the KDL-52XBR4 to be an excellent LCD TV. Detail is super-crisp (at least on HD content), color is right on the money, and shadow detail is better than most. Other than a slightly soft picture with standard-def material, my only real reservation is the black level, which slowly fluctuates, even when all dynamic controls are turned off, and it remains at its elevated level on most real-world content, causing dark scenes to look a bit washed out. Still, there are few LCD TVs—at least, among those with conventional fluorescent backlights—that can do as well.

Razor-sharp detail on HD content
Gorgeous colors
Good shadow detail
DMex capable

Elevated black level on most real-world content
Menu system could be better organized
120Hz frame interpolation not the best I've seen
Standard-def content looked a bit softer than I've seen on other HDTVs