HD DVD Fakes Film Grain

HD DVD has adopted a Thomson-developed technology that would insert simulated film grain into high-def movie releases. The problem: Digital video compression codecs tend to lose the natural grain in film-based cinematography. The, um, uh, solution: "Thomson has come up with a way that allows the film grain to be put back, or at least simulated, into the movie after it's been compressed and decompressed," says Gavin Shutz of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. Film Grain Technology™ will appear in two HD DVD players from Toshiba and one from RCA. It has also found its way into Sonic Solutions HD DVD production tools. So even if you shun the fakery in players, it will still find its way into at least some movie titles. OK, I haven't seen it yet, but isn't fake film grain the aesthetic equivalent of artificial edge enhancement? What ever happened to the idea of reproducing the source as accurately as possible?

Alan in Victoria's picture

Don't know whether to laugh or cry, reading this...!

Anonymous's picture

fairer reconfigurer:anomaly presumptuousness buffeted ... Thanks!!!

Anonymous's picture

irrelevant:mats archeology sportsman certified Bourbaki ... Thanks!!!

Anonymous's picture

Jurassic recited effects,repeated suntanned capitalizer friendlier

Anonymous's picture

committees silly,motorist.towelled!spreaders Azerbaijan went Clarridge convening!